Ps 是 的 我 在 台北

Ps 是 的 我 在 台北. This isn't a huge change, but it's another thing you've got to take note of with 是…的. 是…的 (shì.de) is a common and important structure in mandarin chinese grammar.

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楊胖雨 董唧唧 心意已決 我的心意已決 我不想再崩潰 我害怕在深夜又想起你的側臉 動態歌詞lyrics. The site owner hides the web page description. 有关历史、生物、科技、人文、地理、生活等所有话题。 not a satire/meme sub, english speakers please refer to rule 6. Have a look at some example sentences to see how this. 是…的 is used to emphasize details in a sentence, and is about past events. Ru guo ni zai wo shen bian 如果你在我身邊 by landy wen 溫嵐 pinyin lyrics and english translation. 我的汉语还不太好(我说汉语还说得不太好), 但是我学习很努力。 我在大学有每周五堂汉语的课。我得(dei) 写汉字,记住声调。 这是不容易。对我来说, 汉语的声调是最大难。汉语语法不难。 如果常常写汉字, 汉字不太难。我要每天学汉语. This isn't a huge change, but it's another thing you've got to take note of with 是…的. Hua hai 花海 by jay chou 周杰倫 pinyin lyrics.

Hua hai 花海 by jay chou 周杰倫 pinyin lyrics.

Have a look at some example sentences to see how this. 楊胖雨 董唧唧 心意已決 我的心意已決 我不想再崩潰 我害怕在深夜又想起你的側臉 動態歌詞lyrics. Hua hai 花海 by jay chou 周杰倫 pinyin lyrics. 有关历史、生物、科技、人文、地理、生活等所有话题。 not a satire/meme sub, english speakers please refer to rule 6.